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Great welcome you attend HK Lighting fair in Oct 27-30 (no replies)

Hi,Friends, Hav=eaniceday!We treasure e=very opportunity to meet with you, our&n=bsp;valued customer! From 27-30October=,2015,thisisour6thyeartoattendHK fair, we would=liketomeetyou,ouroldandnewcustomersagain! We hereby sin=cerely invite you and your company repre=sentatives to visit our booth: Exhibition Informa=tion:HKTDCHong KongInternationalLighting Fair201=5(AutumnEdition) Organizer=s: Hong Kong TDC Exhibition Center:= Hong Kong Convention & Exhibition c=enter Booth Number:Stand 5B-B37Date: October&nbsp=;27-30TH,2015 We willshowourn=ewproductsinthefair:HighclassLEDblueboothspeaker,LEDspotlig=ht,LEDdownlight,andLEDfixture. Hope the exhi=bition will give us a good opportunity&n=bsp;to meetandtalkwithyouagain! B.Regards,Nellic

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