Why want to use our FedEx account?
Our DHL account proivde lowwer China FedEx rates than your DHL account
We can pick up anywhere in China, Chinese FedEx only can pick up from big cities in China
We ready all documents to both FedEx and destination customs cleaance.
We colloect from different place and package as one shipment to FedEx , save a lot of cost!
Contact and get quotation: quote@worldfreightforwarding.com
Why want to use our FedEx account?
Our DHL account proivde lowwer China FedEx rates than your DHL account
We can pick up anywhere in China, Chinese FedEx only can pick up from big cities in China
We ready all documents to both FedEx and destination customs cleaance.
We colloect from different place and package as one shipment to FedEx , save a lot of cost!
Contact and get quotation: quote@worldfreightforwarding.com